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RS458/WiFi Input Ports HDMI Output Ports
Using KH02, you can choose to use either the RS485 input port or the WiFi connection function to receive data from iAeris detectors. The data can then be output to an LCD display via the HDMI output port.
Air Quality Detectors
LCD Display
Display Controller
Display Screen
KH02 display controller comes with panel software. The display will automatically switch according to the connected iAeris model, such as 4-in-1 /6-in-1 / 8-in-1, etc.
This product needs to be used with the iAeris detector series. The display will automatically switch according to the connected iAeris model.
The optimal resolution for external screens is 1920 x 1080. For resolution changes, please contact us for technical support.
3-in-1 screen
4-in-1 screen
8-in-1 screen
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